You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
A few weeks ago, Patrick lost a dear friend and mentor to cancer.
Dave was only 49 years old. He battled the cancer for many MANY years. He never complained. He never said an unkind word to, or about, anyone. He loved his family and he worked hard until the very end.
Whenever Patrick needed professional advice he called two people- his dad and Dave. Patrick and I have been thinking and talking a lot about Dave the last few weeks.
We were privileged to know him.
In his obituary Dave requested that in lieu of flowers, you do something nice for someone else. That was the kind of man Dave was.
I have been trying to do something nice for someone every day to honor Dave. Doing something nice for others not only makes that person feel good, but also makes you a better, happier person. Thanks for the reminder, Dave!
Here are some ideas of things you can do for others, if you want to join me.
- Let someone cut in front of you in line.
- Give a random but genuine compliment.
- Return someone’s shopping cart to the coral for them.
- Bring your neighbors newspaper to their front door.
- Write someone a heartfelt note.
- Do one of your spouse’s usual chores (without telling them).
- Pay for the person’s coffee behind you.
- Leave a tip.
- Allow a car to merge into traffic, even if they drive like an idiot.
- Pack your child’s favorite lunch.
- Let someone else pick the television show, restaurant, movie etc.
- If you see trash, pick it up.
- Take flowers to the elderly.
- Say yes instead of no.
- Bake someone something.
- Smile when you would rather complain.
- Say thank you and mean it.
- Double a recipe, and take the extra to a friend or neighbor.
- Compliment a parent on their child’s behavior.
- Post a positive comment on a website or blog.
- Offer to help.
- Give another driver your parking spot.
- Donate blood.
- Run an errand for someone.
- Wave to a neighbor.
- Be a friend.